Electronic discovery, also known as e-discovery or ediscovery, is a process wherein electronic data can be searched, located and secured with the intention of utilizing it as evidence for a criminal or civil court case. e-discovery has attained a critical position as an intrinsic and important partner in the legal process. Although it still remains in its evolutionary phases with regards to personal-privacy issues, it has helped contribute to better case outcomes and certainly reduces manual work loads for law firms. The e-discovery process efficiently sorts out the cost and time requirements of every case and ensures favorable outcomes. Therefore it is important to opt for the best legal ediscovery tool.

The conventional legal electronic discovery process meant spending a considerable amount of time reading documents, assessing case facts and then developing case strategies. This meant that countless irrelevant documents also had to be scanned, resulting in a substantial waste of time and effort. So even as the volume of Electronically Stored Information (ESI) is increasing with each passing minute, an e-discovery tool needs to not only find relevant content but also manage it efficiently for the purposes of effective litigation, compliance and internal investigations. Therefore, here is a quick checklist of tips to help you pick the right legal ediscovery tool for your law firm. Your tool should:

Swiftly analyze enormous volumes of electronic documents to assist in faster determination of case strategy Provide accurate data metrics from the start of your case to ensure correct case budget and timeline estimations Be the definitive guide on keywords, topics and discussion threads that are relevant to that particular case Allow easy and quick determination of queries about who knew what and when Bring forth results speedily to cut down on any lag time if there is a need to move data manually Have a simple but intuitive interface that ensures users can start utilizing it immediately and do not have to undergo any kind of formal training before using the tool Be easy to deploy to your systems so that it allows total visibility and control Automatically process and preserve Reduce time spent on importing and exporting files between systems Be cost effective

Your choice could affect your cases, so choose your e-discovery solution with care. The right tool should easily assist you by providing an early understanding of your case, its facts and incisive insights into information that may have otherwise been missed.

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